GMK + Matt3o

GMK + Matt3o

By now the news is out but it’s time to make it official.

If you follow my Discord you know that MTNU (pronounced emty-new) is the code name of the new profile I’m working on since a few months. You haven’t heard much about it since the initial announcement because I was busy finding the right manufacturer.

I’m happy to announce that I not only found a manufacturer but also the perfect partner with years of experience in the keycap industry. The moment I reached out GMK they showed great interest in my new profile and I feel incredibly honored that they are willing to take this project under their wing.

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DIY Doubleshot with 3D printing

DIY Doubleshot with 3D printing

By now you know that I’m a 3D printing freak. The evolution of resin 3D printers in these last few years has been exponential, not only from a technological point of view but also for accessibility and resin quality/range.

I’m being using 3D printing for prototyping since some time and with the right resin you can actually print fully functional keycaps you can use day to day and in any size you need. The only issue is the legends. How can you have doubleshot-like keycaps with 3D printing?

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A new keycap profile is in the work

A new keycap profile is in the work

After 5 years from MT3 I’m finally working on a new keycap profile. It’s still spherical top and sculpted but medium height. In many ways it’s an evolution of the MT3 design but they are different enough to coexist. I’m still early in the development process but I want to show you the current state of thing so to get feedback and suggestions.

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MT2 —I mean DCX— All’s Well That Ends Well

In perfect telenovela style after the big drama event… everything’s back to normal. You probably read the latest Drop update and I’m here to give you more juicy unadulterated details, because I know you all love some conspiracy theories.

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MT3 Keycap Profile: a brief history

MT3 Keycap Profile: a brief history

I realized that 7 years have passed since we started working on MT3 and many might not know the story behind this profile. Also information is scattered on this blog and various forums and it’s not easy to find, so I think it’s time to refresh our memory and put everything together.

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The MT3/MT2 Drama-not-Drama

Let’s start from the main announcement and reason for this post: I am not collaborating with Drop anymore. You’ll still see some of my products on their website, that’s because they are already produced, but they will slowly fade over time. That means that there won’t be any new product designed by me for Drop. So no Dark Speech Tolkien keycaps, no Elven dices, no full brown Retro, no MT2 set designed by me (in contrast to what I announced few hours ago).

Of course it’s hard to stay objective but I’ll try to stick to facts, things that I can prove and have documentation for (emails/chats/whatever).

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What the hell is MT2?

What the hell is MT2?

What the hell is MT2? Great question, thanks for asking.

Drop announced a fancy new keycap profile, truth is that I don’t have a clue what that is! My guess is as good as yours because Drop dropped this bomb out of nowhere.

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What a great start for 2022!

What a great start for 2022!

I tried to have SA Retro re-run with Signature Plastics since forever but apparently that is not going to happen any day soon… fortunately we have a far superior keycaps profile, I’m talking about MT3 of course! A slot opened in the production pipeline and we jumped straight into it with MT3 Retro!

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How to write in Sindarin, an introduction

How to write in Sindarin, an introduction

This is the video I wanted to do since a long time. The Tolkien sets are not just fancy gimmicks, they can be actually used to write in Sindarin and Khuzdul. All you need is to install the right font and a little reference material.

In the following video I show you how easy it is to write in Sindaring and show off your Tolkien nerdom to the normies! It’s just an introduction, but should give you an idea.

The Tolkien keycaps are finally live!

This will be a very quick update, but an important one.

After months of work and tribulation I’m cautiously proud to inform you that the official Elven and Dwarven keycaps are finally up for pre-order at Drop!

The pre-order phase will last a couple of months at a special price, after the release date they will be still available for a while but at full price.

Production has already started so they should be ready really soon!

All left to do is to choose your race!

Are you an Elf?

Or a Dwarf?