Very quick but very juicy update. I got the first batch of prototypes for the Tolkien sets and they are lovely!

There are still a few issues to solve and I had to update a few legends but all in all I’m very happy with this color scheme and the overall look of this set. Unfortunately the Dwarf set had a wrong color for the modifiers so I’m not going to show you that just yet but…
… I guess we need to address the elephant in the room.

I can’t make any promise but I’m trying to have a full set of Elven and Dwarven dice made (from d4 to d20). The above are 3D printed and painted prototypes. I used wax based paint (you may know it as “rub & buff”) that is extremely convincing but hopefully we can make them out of metal.
I do hope they will green-light them because they are gorgeous!
Wow! The dice look amazing. What a fun idea! 🤩
Also I saw the blanks next to the keyboard. They look so delicious! 🤤
I am so excited for these! Can’t wait until they go live :)
Is the green used on the mods the same as the green used in the elven kit of /dev/tty1? It appears darker in this picture. Either way, I’m definitely down for a couple of sets (always felt like the first elven kit needed some more greens).
no, it’s not the same green. This one is a very forest green :)
Are the dice sharp edged?
Thank u Matt3o!
still too early to say, I still need to check what the manufacturer can do
Every time I see an update to this page i get excited all over again!
These look great. Any ideas where to get a wood case tkl, 65% whatever…
I believe we’ll have a 60% wooden keyboard on the work.
Aaaahhh! Those dice!
If there isn’t a Sauron Eye novelkey imma gonna riot
I’m definitely taking these with me to Isengard. Such harmonious colors.
And yes, chicks always dig metal dice. I pray to the gods they are a go.
Would these be sold on Drop? Please say no…
I’m pretty sure MT3 is a Drop exclusive… Drop drama aside, I’ve had good experiences with Drop. They’re not ‘Amazon’, but they’re definitely as good as other main GB vendors.
…. yes… ?
is possible on the light caps to have the script in irish green rather than black?
except quality what is the difference between mt3 by matt3o on the rest.
I made a test and I feel there’s not enough contrast with green (the light caps are a lil darker than they seem in picture).
MT3 is a high profile set with spherical cups.
on this you are the expert! Thanks!
I know what MT3 is my question was more related what is the difference between the sets designed by you, and the MT3 sets designed by others
oh okay. Well, the tooling is the same so technically not much difference. They just use the profile I designed.
thanks. so is only the eyes difference… which is a lot.
Any target dates on when these keycap sets will be ready for order?
The Tolkien guys are reviewing my designs while we speak. As soon as they greenlight them we can start!
Also they approved the dice sets!
Awesome, I’m keen. Love your work
That’s incredible! I honestly can’t wait.
I really don’t want to forget about these and miss the drop :0
Any update on the Dark Speech concept? Did that get dropped?
He mentioned in one of the other posts on here that there just wasn’t enough original material to do a full keyboard/alphabet in that language.
Will these still have English letters also in the legends? (I hope)
I think in an older post he said that he would have english-elvish as well as just elvish keycaps
both versions will be available
Please tell me the inverse scoop on the up arrow is a new permanent thing for MT3! I love it. I only wish I could love drop. MT3 is the only thing that will ever get me to purchase from those evil people again.
I always add a reverse up arrow.
This is another set that I must get my hands on. I touch type and so these are perfect. No one will touch my keeb and I am going to start building a green keeb. I have so many of your kepcals, from the tty and now this. Awesome work and thanks for the time you take to share information and let us know how much we will need to save. The dice, for sure. How can I just have the caps and no dice. All the best.
Any chance we’ll see a release this month?
I really hope so!
I’ve been on the hunt for elvish keycaps in a nice colorway, these are amazing!!! I’m so so so thrilled to see that you are getting closer to finishing them, I can’t wait to own a set :)
Ortho and Colevrak kits planned?
ortho yes. colevrak no
maybe not, but I need to see pricing. If it’s not too bad we can add more keys.
Typically I don’t buy “official” sets, because the prices for what amount to pieces of plastic are outrageous from most of the well known manufacturers. For me, a simple palette swap doesn’t justify a price 3-5x as high (I’m looking at you, GMK) as the cheap sets on banggood, amazon or aliexpress.
But for this set, I’ll make an exception. You’ve obviously put a lot of time and work into getting the legends and sublegends for these to look accurate, and you knocked it out of the park. Also, I can appreciate someone who picked LotR as their fictional language source material. Of all the constructed languages, Quenya/Sindarin is a pretty neat example. Philology is fun.
I look forward to seeing more about this set. I would tentatively (without knowing pricing) put myself in for basically every kit you’ve detailed save for spacebars and ortholinear.
I totally agree with you on this one in this case I support the person who did the original design and work. i will not pay the same price for mt3 if done by someone else.
I came here to say almost exactly what you said lol
I could not imagine better sets for my first two builds. Thank you for such excellent work!
Waiting VERY eagerly for these! Gonna look amazing in my upcoming oaken ergodox!
any eta on live?
we sent all the design to the Tolkien guys, we are waiting for their blessing… it is taking more than I anticipated…
they may be pissed off they did not get 4.5 mln quid to buy the house… joke aside let us hope they answer quick.. so I can get my hands on a set before a certain date in june…
Interesting comments about the Sauron/Orc scripts. Sauron used the Tengwar(Elvish) script for his inscription in the One ring. So why not a Sauron version with Tengwar script?
Thanks for you question, I feel I haven’t explained myself well enough about this.
The ring is written in Tengwar but the Black Speech is unknown. It’s like saying: I know Latin alphabet, why not write in French? Because you need to know French first :)
You can write English or Italian in Tengwar if you want (the same way you can write any language in Katakana), but you need to know those languages to write anything meaningful.
As far as I know the only words in Black Speech that we know are from the Ring, that is not enough to make a full keyboard.
Thanks so much for responding! I love the sneak peek, does this mean Cirth for the Dwarf set?
yes! Waiting for prototypes any time now
This is so amazing. How do I know when these go live? I just subscribed to your newsletter, and I’m already saving up for these and/or the Dwarvish set.
Thank you for being awesome
Production should start in just a few weeks!
This might be early but will the keycpas be made from ABS or PBT?
pbt is written in one of the texts…
Does anyone know if the MT3 profile will cause interference on NK cream switches on a north-facing board?
I’m at the edge of my seat!!! I have your previous set on my full size board, and I’m going to be building my first custom in June/July. Thank you for working on this!
Can’t wait for these to come out. Please post some pictures of the dwarven set as soon as you get a prototype with the correct colors!
Is the Elven set going to be identical to the previous Elven set that was released? I think I’m going to have to buy all Tolkien related sets you produce. This is way too cool!
no, they are not the same.
Are we there yet?
I’m smashing F5 on this blog every day to see if I could finally order these
I know! Sorry! They sent me the first prototypes very quickly so I thought this could be a fast delivery… but apparently it is taking some time
Don’t say sorry! You’re doing an amazing job here!
The smashing continues!!!
Those caps look absolutely stunning, I’m really looking forward to their release, trust and believe that I’ll be one of the first in line to order. It may not be their intended aesthetic, but they’ll go great in my Leafeon theme
I too would like to say how well these look and how badly I’ve been hoping someone would release such a well-researched version! Really looking forward to this drop, thanks for putting this together. Is your site the best place to keep an eye out for updates?
it is, I’m not much of a social cat
any news on going live?
reaaally soon! I got more prototypes. I’ll post them in a few moments
Are the die sharp edged? Thank u!
We’re all waiting so impatiently!! I have an older Tengwar set (XDA Milestone) and need something more colourful… the hardcore/all Tengwar set you have put together is the most beautiful one I have ever seen, and I am so excited for it!
Will these sets support full layout?
of course!
Any update on these? This is the set I’ve been waiting for, for a long long time.
Almost there!
Matt3o, are there going to be doubleshot?
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