Time flies when you are designing keycaps! 3 months have already passed since the announcement of my collaboration with GMK and MTNU has already gone through multiple revisions. I think it’s time for a well due update.
The main shapes and physiology of the profile are defined but small adjustments can still be done. We had a few prototypes 3D printed to check the overall look’n’feel and GMK is working on the tooling as we speak. The first batch of injected proto-keycaps should be manufactured in about a month, that will give us a better sense of what this profile will actually be. I don’t hide that I’m a bit scared but mostly excited :)
MTNU in a nutshell
A quick recap for those who don’t know what MTNU is about.

MTNU is a medium height spherical top keycap profile designed by yours truly in collaboration with GMK. The idea would be to create a new standard for spherical top like the “Cherry Profile” is for cylindrical. Ambitious I know.
The defining characteristics are a nice round hitting area and an inviting smooth curve on the top contour, together these factors should grant a pleasant typing experience without sharp edges.

Height is close to standard Cherry if not a bit taller but angles are less steep; looking at it from a side the keys form a soft curve.

The row profile will be: R1-1-2-3-4-4. If MTNU will be successful we might work on R0 and R5 (a flat bottom row) but R4 is not too sharp so it shouldn’t be a deal breaker.
GMK is all about double-shot so no dye-sub. Initially we opted for a PBT blend but looks like pure PBT is actually doable. I believe they are still experimenting with the resins and I’ll know more in the coming weeks.
As per side thickness, I don’t have a final value yet because that also depends on the inside doubleshot (that I don’t have yet), but should be around 1.5mm. I’ve been asked quite a lot if they are compatible with both North and South mounted switches and I don’t see any problem either way, unless you use a pass-through LED with a big head (but that is the case with any keycap).
I’m designing a new typeface just for this project (pictured below). The name is Son Of a Doubleshot (SOD) and it is inspired by vintage keyboards but with a more modern flare. It is not an eccentric typeface but it has a few distinctive traits like the barred 0 (zero).

I’ve been criticized in the past for picking up fonts that trigger OCD. I’m sorry guys, but I believe a font needs character, you need a “kicker”, something that catches your eye, even that disturbs. A perfectly polite typeface is not part of my DNA. I hope with SOD I was able to strike a good middle-ground.
Also SOD will be available for anyone to use and expand.
Keyboards support
At start MTNU will cover a standard ISO/ANSI keyboard, of course numpad, 65/75% and winkeyless. If everything goes according to plan we’ll add better support for 40% and more arcane layouts. That being said I’ll do my best to push a wider support at launch as I believe it’s important to start with a bang, so cross your fingers!
Keys likely to be available at launch date:
- 1U
- 2U
- 1U
- 1.5U
- 1U
- 1.75U
- 1.75U Stepped
- 2.25U
- 1U
- 1.25U
- 1.5U
- 1.75U
- 2U
- 2.25U
- 2.75U
- 2U
- 2.25U
- 2.75U
- 6.25U
- 7U
- ISO Enter
- 2U vertical R2-3
- 2U vertical R4-4
Keys to be manufactured later:
- 1.5U
- 1.75U
- 1.25U
- 1.5U
- 1U
- 1.25U
- 1.5U
- 6U
ROW 5 might be part of phase 3, with basically everything in R4 plus spacebars. ROW 0 would be the easiest to do as it only includes one 1U mold.
Another important factor for any keycap is surface texture. As much as I love super smooth keycaps they pose some quality risks. Specifically when the surface has no texture at all you might start seeing injection marks. If you look closely at the back of SA keycaps you’ll see what I mean. So MTNU will have the lightest texture possible that lets us still hide those marks.

And now the important bits…
When and Where?
The profile should be ready in Q1 2023. If I had to guess I’d say somewhen in Spring. Don’t quote me on that, though, and don’t tell GMK I’ve told you :D

The color schemes most likely to be manufactured first are (in no particular order): White on Black, Black on White, Beige, Susuwatari, Dolch.
Remember that MTNU is not an exclusive profile, anyone with the right MOQ can join the party without asking permission to me or anyone. It’s also vendor friendly and can be sold all over the world (unlike MT3 which is a Drop exclusive).

Shut up and take my money!
A bit early for that, I’m not sure about pricing but some of the design paths were taken with pricing in mind so I hope it won’t be too bad. Stay tuned, you’ll be the first to know.
So what are next step? This October we should see the first injected and double-shot keycaps, if that goes well we should be on track for an early 2023 release. As soon as GMK sorts out pricing we’ll contact vendors and proceed with the first pre-orders.
I still don’t have a final word on this but it is my understanding that GMK is willing to also work on stock availability, not only group buys, I’ll keep you posted on that too.
I know… Not many juicy news, but I wanted to update you guys anyway. Development is proceeding fast despite the production difficulties that Covid and energy crisis are posing us. Hopefully a month from now I’ll be able to show you the first real MTNU keycap! Stay tuned!
Great news!
Can’t wait to try this new profile – MT3 is my favorite profile, this one could be more versatile, especially for people that don’t like the high profiles (there is more laptop keyboard lovers than one would assume :).
And it is right decision to make it vendor friendly.
Great that you have Susuwatari in queue, other sets are classic, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed for /dev/tty and Space Cadet, though.
I love everything about this, including the font with the slashed zero! Keep up the fantastic work!
Love it!
I want to add a little comment on the barred zero you’re going for. Ø is the Scandinavian version of the German letter Ö, so it might cause some confusion for our Scandinavian friends. Having it not extend outside the O should be enough to make it easily distinguishable imo.
I look forward to trying out the new Profile and seeing the PBT blend in person!
that’s a very good advice, thanks!
The Swedish-Finnish/German Ö. Ø is only in Norway and Denmark.
And your reason given is exactly why keyboard manufacturers stopped using Ø at the late 80’s/early 90’s.
It’s confusing. Both at the same time, I kind of like the retro look.
+1 for making sure the bar of the zero does not extend beyond the circle.
Hopefully there will be a R3 1.75 Control cap!
Please consider to add Nihon kit like in /DEV/TTY as additional mods….
I am waiting for new design with Japan-layout mod keys.
I’d love some non-latin alphas, like cyrillic for /dev/tty or Space Cadet, or something japanese.
This is the most exciting keyboard news in a long time, I’m very much looking forward to whatever the first set will be.
Pure PBT is interesting, it tends to feel really nice, though it is a shame it shines almost as fast as ABS.
While I agree that fonts should have their own character, I often worry when I see fonts with a strong identity used for new double shot moulds as it limits other designs and runs the risk of the font feeling played out faster than something more neutral. That said I think this is a pretty well balanced neutral retro looking font. I’d love to see something more modern (not all caps) down the line as well, but I like the look of this.
My current favourite profiles are MT3 (limited to Drop which is not ideal, especially in Europe), and KAT/KAM (made by Keyreative, which is also not great). Having a new low (-ish) cylindrical profile option is great news and after MT3 I trust you enough to be looking forward to picking up whatever ends up being the first set available.
Also very excited. My go to is SA profile so this looks like something I can get used to easily.
This is going to maybe sound silly, but do you think you’d have plans for *blank* keycaps? I’m one of those types that has kind of thrown standard layouts out the window and so alphas are all but useless to me.
it’s mostly down to the vendors. If someone runs a GB and people buy blanks… well then sure!
I may be the only one but I would love to see a “shine through” set produced
If it’s possible then a pure PBT would be preferable. I’ll be in as soon as there’s a good ergo kit (dev/tty’s ergo kit was about as good as it gets imo).
I can’t wait.
So looking forward to these becoming reality.
Please consider a stepped R3 Caps Lock/Control (you know what key I mean) with the stem in the centre – Leopold style. I really think that would be much appreciated by many. The step might have to be smaller but still, it’s doable.
a center stemmed stepped caps is something that we will probably have later if the set sells well. But it’s certainly in my wish-list
Awesome you even had it in mind!
Just assembled a new Keychron Q5 Pro and came here to say this! Pre-ordered the MTNU set from NovelKeys, but will rock the old MT3 Susu’s until they arrive. So yes, would be appreciated, as I’ve been hitting the caps a lot on this board (including while writing this.)
Oh wow, can’t wait to see these. These sound similar to the HuB, which I love, so having more choices would be great.
This is very exciting. I like your MT3 profile, but having to buy from Drop is a massive PITA (I’m in Europe). I like the SOD font, hoping for 3277 and 9009 colorways in the near future. Keep up the good work!
Do you have a plan or allow to add sub-legend? SOD is nice, but with the current placement, adjustment is probably required to add some extra sub-legend.
what kind of sub-legends?
different languages, for example.
there will be multiple languages support
Any chance these keycaps will work with QMX Silencing Clips?
I have some lying around and consider pairing them with these!
I believe they should work
MTNU stands for?!
it’s the union of 2 names, but it’s pronounced em-tee-new as it stands as the successor of MT3.
I can’t believe no one makes media keys anymore. I requested them, and you got them into the MT3 TTYs that I am typing on right now and I love them. I got a play/pause in one F-row section and a VOL- in another just to remind me what is where, and they are SO convenient. I can’t find keycaps with media options anywhere in 2023!
generally my own sets all have them :) so stick with me!
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