Believe it or not it’s exactly 10 years since the first Granite came to life. It was June 2014 and DSA Granite took its first breath into the world. It was a set designed to meet the need of custom keyboard makers because of the flat profile and the gargantuan amount of available kits and options. Something that nowadays we rarely see unfortunately.
DSA Granite got at least 4 re-runs until it became an in-stock set at Signature Plastics; Input Club also run an all-row-3 SA version a few years back. So when I saw the first renders of MTNU Granite I couldn’t help but get a little emotional.
DSA was nice and all but —let’s be honest— MTNU is from another league. So here they are in all their glory some Granite 2024 renders!
There’s nothing more classic than Granite and it’s the one set you will ever need (yeah okay… indulge me).
The pre-orders have already started on vendors around the world and you’ve got about a month to claim your copy. Then it’s the usual waiting game but it shouldn’t take too long.
Kits are pretty basic but include ISO and accent colors
The vendors are (the Granite page might not be yet available for all of them):
- Asia – zFrontier
- Australia – DailyClack
- Canada – DeskHero
- Europe: Oblotzky Industries
- South Korea – Geon.Works
- United Kingdom – proto[Typist]
- United States – NovelKeys
Whatever happened to the PBS profile keycaps?
it’s in production right now
I would love to see the addition of the missing swiss german layout keys to the international ISO set.
Please consider 2x 3u spacebars in your next MTNU set :-)
Still no ergo kits for MTNU yet?
Is there going to be an MTNU Space Cadet? I absolutely love this profile btw. MTNU Beige has been my favorite set since I received it a few months ago
YES! Soon™! :D
Looks so good!
Please include R2 up arrow (which is included in other MTNU sets but oddly missing here).
Hopefully the issue with the warped spacebar will be also fixed (though I’m typing on an Alice board now and Susu MTNU is perfect for it!).
These look great.
Are there any plans for blank mtnu keycaps? I use the somewhat exotic noted keyboard layout and the missmatch between legends and actual layout triggers my ocd.
Even for mt3 I could only find blanks available for tty3, which look amazing, but they seem to be oos for multiple years… :(
MTNU Graphite are blanks
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