This will be a very quick update, but an important one.
After months of work and tribulation I’m cautiously proud to inform you that the official Elven and Dwarven keycaps are finally up for pre-order at Drop!

The pre-order phase will last a couple of months at a special price, after the release date they will be still available for a while but at full price.
Production has already started so they should be ready really soon!
All left to do is to choose your race!
Are you an Elf?
Or a Dwarf?
Any news of a board collab with these? I remember there was talk of there potentially being a wooden board to match the keycap set.
Awesome work! These look amazing. Already Pre-ordered the elvish set :)
yes, we are working on a wooden keyboard, but will be released later next year.
+1 I “wood” love a wooden keyboard for this!
you shall do a version in olive wood… shall be plenty around you.
Do we have the choice of choosing the layout? TKL? 65%?
Congrats on the drop today! Full dwarvish set acquired now just need Drop to fix the pre order link for elvish! Thanks again for the awesome set and getting this thrown together (glad drop finally decided to release too)
I informed them about the issue with the elvish set! thanks for the headsup
I just came across these, and I’ve gone through all your blog posts about them over the past year, and all the comments in those posts. I’m a little mystified about how this project got this far without anyone pointing out that the tengwar glyphs are all mismatched against their English sub-legends. The tengwar glyph on the “Q” key is actually the one for the “P” sound, the one on “W” key is actually the glyph for the “B” sound, etc.
While the glyphs look visually nice arranged like this on the keyboard, the arrangement kind of trashes the point of tengwar which is that the shape of each glyph tells you how to pronounce it. A single “bow” is an unvoiced letter, doubling it adds voice (compare the actual tengwars for P → B); an open bow is sounded with an open mouth, closed bows sounded with the closed mouth (such as N → M), etc.
as explained in the previous post, the characters are laid out in a way so that you can use Dan Smith font with them (that has become a standard for other similar fonts as well). This way it’s easier to actually write in Elvish/Dwarvish, it’s not for aesthetic reasons. Also the way you write in elvish depends on the mode you use, the system I used is mode-agnostic (eg: Beleriand) and language-agnostic (ie: not dependent to British English sounds).
So excited that these finally dropped. Congrats! I picked up both sets this morning.
Will there be any deskmats to go with these? Would also love to see metal artisan keycaps. Debating on which set to get, leaning towards elvish right now. Hopefully will see more in the future like a mordor / isengard set.
Damn, that would be awesome!
any news regarding the D20 dice?
we are also working on them
Are the spacebar kits R5 profile? Are there any keys that are R5 profiles in the set?
Idea is top notch – shame that I don’t like any of the color schemes. Maybe some Isengard/Mordor set will work.
Finally… Ordered both sets.
Good job Dude & Congratulations on the release
Except for one thing… are there any plans for a proper Ergodox set? Right now I’d have to reaaally clumsily combine many sets to get all the necessary 1,5u & 2u keys, and even then it’s not perfect :(
But all the currently listed sets? Absolutely amazing!
Will these be available on any other platform or is it a Drop exclusive? I’m not in the US and duties/fees are a nightmare for the cost of the set.
unfortunately not
Bough both with the extras and the Evenstar and Durins Forge Kit’s, i CANT WAIT!!!
Hi matt3o just wanted to let you know that the sets look absolutely fantastic, and the attention to detail is marvelous, I’m seeing a lot of complaining on the purchasing sites, and just wanted to remind you that the silent majority who love the set just end up buying it without voicing any thoughts about it on the thread. I’m personally looking to pick up both sets next month, and I’m really stoked to see what else you end up doing with the license (especially when it comes to a black speech set with a more dark theme) or a rerun of dev/tty elven. having the one rings inscription on the spacebar is so god damn cool btw, cant wait to get it in my hands :))
thanks for your kind words.
Don’t worry, I only design what I like to design. If that lines up with what people also like, great! Otherwise who cares! :)
any plans for a full ergodox set?
I wanted it, I designed it, Drop killed it.
Oh man what the hell… now that’s a huge bummer :(
That stinks. Between decisions like this and the recent quality issues, e.g., planck, I think I’m done with Drop. I can imagine that even despite an excusivity agreement, there really aren’t better options available.
Looking forward to the 3277 blanks, though! The pics I’ve seen popping up of the non-blanks look fantastic!
I absolutely love this! Saving my money for the next month and a half to pick up almost everything from both sets! So excited for this!
For those who came here trying to figure out what are the words used for the top row of extras — they are character names. Dwarven set uses characters from the Hobbit, elven set uses characters from LoTR (or so it seems, I was lazy to check all of them).
here a little help
do you have the dwarven extras handy as well?
NVM the hint provided was enough! Thanks :D great work
Hello! What about orcs?
maybe next time :)
The only thing I am sad about is that there wasn’t a hardcore Ortho set – we’re the hardcore people! (: But, I know that wasn’t you. Hopefully someone will buy the hardcore mods from me with the double-legend alphas.
That being said, I’m very excited for these. I have been watching since you first announced these. Have been typing away on Susu since their first run – on my Atreus! I also really appreciate that your ortho sets manage to come with 1.5u keys!
Great work on it, as always! Now, to get back to my tea, and reading The Fellowship…
Does the alpha color match between the Dwarven and the Elven? Just curious as if I both set will I need to get a separate space bar add-on for each set or can I use them interchangeable.
Additionally, can you provide the pantone or RAL value of each set?
no, the colors don’t match… I wanted to use the same gray but ultimately the color combos didn’t work.
Regarding the color code, it’s not easy as they are custom made, so even if you had the actual pantone they wouldn’t be exactly the same. Anyway this is the base reference point:
Light gray: PANTONE 14-0105 TCX (Overcast)
Green: PANTONE 17-0340 TCX (Kelp Forest)
Orange: PANTONE 17-1048 TCX (Inca Gold)
Pink: PANTONE 17-1446 TCX (Mango)
Light gray: PANTONE 15-0513 TPG (Eucalyptus)
Dark gray: PANTONE 18-1112 TPG (Walnut)
Orange: PANTONE 18-1163 TCX (Pumpkin Spice)
Appreciate the detailed response!
I also doubt that I’ll be able to use these spacebars on my dev/try set.
Any artisan collabs planned?
I had a lot of ideas but Drop is being extremely difficult. It’s likely that they release something even without telling me anything.
Wow, I see… Shame that Drop is being extremely difficult. Anyway, great job!
So excited. Thank you for making such great stuff for the community! I know there can be a lot of nitpicking from people about Drop or not every tiny niche thing being available but just thinking aboout how far the community has come in the past 5-10 years is amazing. We have a ton more options than previous. Thanks for being such a strong advocate for our passion and for having such damn fine designs.
Any plans for a matching deskmat like some of the past designs?
You have no idea how difficult it is to make licensed stuff… We basically can’t use any imagery for the deskmap :D but I still have hope!
I understand. I’ll hold out hope! If all else fails I’ll design my own with geometric design or matching colors. Fingers crossed!
Is Autumn in Rivendell already sold out or are they not offered yet?
as far as I know there’s no issue with autumn in rivendell. I don’t know if it’s an error of if they really got too many orders. I’ll check with Drop
Any update on this? I was really hoping to use the autumn orange as the accent colour for the set.
they sold a lot more than expected. They are checking with production if they can pump more copies
Looking forward to a reply on this. For me it’s an all or nothing buy…
Would love to hear if more evenstar or autumn were available. I’m hesitant to commit without.
it seems it’s a production issue. Making more would mean delaying everything by a couple of months. More kits will be available after the first batch is delivered, but with the Chinese new Year in the middle, I guess it will take a few months.
Are they sold out?
no, why?
I think that was a problem at DROP – they were listed as sold out)
any plan on selling/getting rid of the trial versions?
Why are the special chars like * and $ and % on the Dwarf set but missing on the Elvish set? Who is going to forget where the T or the ALT key is but remember which one is the # key? I love the designs and think they are very cool….but unfortunately that eliminated the elf training set as something I desired.
It occurred to me with that kind of concern I’d probably be better off with straightforward labels so I went ahead and got your 3277 set instead ;-)
all’s well that ends well :D
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