An update about the MTNU profile was long overdue. Let me start by stating the obvious: it is taking more than expected… but less than I feared. I have a little experience in manufacturing by now and a couple of weeks late is really nothing. Let’s do a recap.
What is MTNU again?
MTNU is a new keycap profile I envisioned a couple of years ago and developed thanks to the incredible craftsmanship of the guys at GMK. Let me stress on that. MTNU would have been very different without GMK expertise (and not for the better); I’m very grateful to Christoph for convincing me to work with them and to Franz and Franziska who brought the profile to life.

These are the main characteristics:
- Doubleshot PBT. Since I still get people surprised about that I need to repeat myself: this is a 100% full blown PBT profile with doubleshot legends.
- Medium height, sculpted, spherical top. The idea was to create the spherical top counterpart of the cherry profile. The keys height is similar but shape and angles are very different of course.
- Hitting area (key top) is wide, round and welcoming. Ergonomics is always my top priority, the fact that MTNU is also pretty is a fortunate eventuality. During development I sometimes requested .5/1deg angle variation when realistically nobody would notice less than 2deg. Just to give an idea of the level of optimization I’m after.
- Homing keys are deep dish, they are deeper and the top edge is a little sharper for easy homing.
- Side thickness is about 1.6mm. It’s a sweet spot and I find it totally adequate.
- Row profile is R1-1-2-3-4-4. Row 5 (the bottom modifiers row) is in the cards for future release.
- Textured but very smooth. Texture helps hiding flow-marks, we used the smoothest texture that still hides the production sins. They look rougher than they actually are, the feeling is actually very velvety.
- Original typeface. The typeface is called Son of a Doubleshot (SOD) and it has been designed from scratch just for MTNU. The font will be open sourced soon and I will release some guidelines in case anybody wants to add their own custom legends.
- Manufactured by GMK, open to vendors. The sets will be available at multiple vendors around the globe, there’s no exclusivity and any designer can have their design manufactured given they find an agreement with vendors.

Current status
Last week I got few prototypes, mostly 1Us, not enough to cover a full keyboard yet but the quality is good and we haven’t optimized them yet.
While there are many things to fix I’m really impressed by the double-shot job. There’s no seam between legend and keycap and if you rub a fingernail on the top you can’t really tell that they are two different injections. Have a look at the difference between MTNU (GMK), MT3 (Drop) and SA (Signature Plastics). Click to Zoom in.

If you look closely you’ll see quite some bleeding in SA and MT3 and the seams are not perfect. Let me be honest: at the naked eye they are all fine but GMK really sets a new standard here.
The keys shape and texture are final and approved. All the legends for all the keys are already designed. The tooling for all 1-unit is ready but the injection process has to be perfected still. We are also working on legends alignment, centering doubleshot is no easy task.
Tooling for modifiers and big keys are being manufactured as we speak. I’ve only seen a 2.75U SHIFT and it came out beautifully with minimal warping. By the end of the month I should get another round of prototypes, if all goes smoothly we should be ready soon.
Keyboard compatibility
The release of MTNU is split in 3 rounds.
Round 1 will cover all major layouts (60%, 65%, 75%, TKL, full size) with the addition of few extra keys for ortholinears, but 40% support is limited. ISO is covered.
Round 2 adds keys mostly for 40% and 6U spacebar.
Round 3 expands the compatibility even more and adds a flat Row 5.
To give you an idea the following is the programmed kitting for MTNU Susu in round 1.

If the profile is successful (crossing fingers) each round should be just a couple of months away from the previous. If there is interest integration kits might be available.
What, Where and When
The first sets to be release are: White on Black, Beige and Susu (pictured below). You’ll notice that Susuwatari is just Susu for MTNU, this is to make a clear distinction from MT3 Susuwatari. The colors will be also slightly different, the new RAL codes for Susu are:
- Light warm gray: RAL 7022
- Dark warm gray: RAL 7021
- Blue: RAL 240 60 40 Clear Blue
- Red: RAL 3020
- Green: RAL 110 70 70 Chlorophyll Green
- Cream (legend): RAL 090 90 30 Wax yellow

Official vendors for Round 1 are:
- US: Novelkeys
- EU: Oblotzky Industries
- CA: DeskHero
- UK: protoTypist
- CN: Matrix Labs
- AUS: DailyClack
- SEA: iLumKB
Round 2 will see Black on White, possibly Dolch but it’s not defined yet. I also plan on working on the Space Cadet legends, but that will likely happen next year.
Vendors already got some prototypes, so expect more coverage in the coming weeks, but please bear in mind that they are not final and many things need fixing.
We are tentatively starting pre-orders at the beginning on June. This may change based on how manufacturing proceeds, but anyway we are really close. Production shouldn’t take long and MTNU might reach vendors in the summer.
One last note about pricing. You can expect more or less the same pricing as other GMK Cherry sets but the first batch will be marginally cheaper to help kickstart the new profile. So if you are on the fence, consider that the first 3 sets will be likely more affordable than whatever comes later.
In the coming weeks I’ll try to keep you updated as much as possible and I’ll post pictures and sound tests so you can get a better idea of how MTNU will be. As soon as I get production prototypes I’ll host a stream with a little giveaway.
As always daily updates are available on discord. Brace yourself we are almost there!
Any chance for a Camillo colorway in the future?
that’s really up to the vendors/designers. So far I haven’t heard anything about it
will there be colemak / other layout kits as with some of the MT3 sets?
Will MT3 dev/tty have a similar color to beige?
Is there a possibility that 1.5u space bars will be released in the round 3?
dev/tty is more a neutral gray.
yes, 1.5U space will be released in round 2 likely
does the limited 40 support include ortho?
check the kitting in round 1. the Extra kit adds some ortho support and some 40%, but we miss a few keys for modern 40%
R u planning a design like MT3 BLACK SPEECH or maybe blank ones? (less “classic” both colors and legends) If so, what would be realistic timeframes (no pressure)
We can’t do Tolkien stuff, sorry. But a dark set is possible.
Is that last susu pic Colevrak support by any chance? :)
yes, it is. Zoom in!
oh my god. I am so excited to give you my money.
Thank you so much! ❤️
I thought I’d clicked on it and nothing happened but maybe I was drunk
Is there a chance for a retro/commodore style set in the near future?
Not in MTNU at the moment but SA Retro will be released soon.
Any chance for a 1.25U space bar? My poor keeb is never quite filled out properly
yes, in Round2
Will there be shine through options?
Don’t forget the ErgoDox users, please! I have too many SA kits and would love to branch out some more (KAT is nice, but everything I’ve found is pad printed or dyesubbed)
A dasher blue version would reaaaally be nice !
I love it, my one wish would be for a monotone 2U shift, since that would be the one color modifier that doesn’t have a monotone alternate. (Alt is a reasonable monotone sub for Alt Gr.)
Will the expanded compatibility mentioned for round 3 mean ergo support? Even blanks would be fine tbh.
we’ll see how it performs :)
any update on that, @matt3o? blanks would be great for any split / custom keyboard
Great news, good job, looking forward to trying them!
Looking good, I would really love to see macro columns and two 3u spacebars, though. Maybe in round 2/3?
happy to see dsa alchemy getting reran in mtnu!!
at this time I’m not aware of Alchemy being done for MTNU, but if someone wants to run it…
Which round is the Mad Typist kit gonna come out? I would only need to swap one key in my custom layout to make those caps work for me. (If you wanna make it perfect, ‘U’ on bottom row is what I would need.)
All the kits you see above are Round 1
replied to the wrong post earlier- thank you for the clarification. i am happy to see this will work perfectly for colemak dh!
Lacking a | key for Swedish-Finnish layout :(
Or is the ¦ intended as that key? Back in the day many keycaps were misprinted this way, so maybe an homage to those…
there’s no |, only ¦
Thank you very much for your effort. This looks very promising and since you added ISO-DE, you just won a customer. Cant wait!
Looks good!
Wish there were some white on red up and down arrows for the lower and raise buttons and vim arrows option in HJKL, that’s what I’ve been using with Susuwatari in my preonic.
Hoping that in round 2 we might get a SA Retro / C64 inspired white on brown set, maybe? That would be cool.
Is there any chance we can get left aligned mods text? Centered mods is just… i don’t want to say wrong but it is weird. :)
with spherical top, centered legends is the way
Know of anyone planning for pulse colorway, or anything with tu2? cant wait to try these
Wait a minute, a new doubleshot profile with international kit and iso from start?
That is never heard of before, I’m in!
Hey, any chance you can make a run of Blank keycaps? I use MT3 bleached / blank exclusively across like 5 keyboards, I am sure there are dozens of us
the process is very much optimized for doubleshot, not sure if there will be blanks
I got my MTNU Susu set fro Novelkeys today! Looks beautiful, but I stupidly assumed the base set would include the keypad keys. Any pointers to where I might find a spare set would be appreciated.
check all the vendors, they might have left overs!
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