I said we needed half a miracle to have Susuwatari ready before year’s end… well, apparently we’ve been naughty and Santa gave us coal… or rather he didn’t (coal. Susuwatari. Got the pun?). Since last time I’ve received two rounds of prototypes, but we are still not there. Let’s see together where we stand after two months from my last update.
Surface texture is something that comes out often. “But you said Susuwatari had a smooth surface” (4yo kid upset voice).
Okay let’s make things clear, I did not say such a thing. I said that Susuwatari would have been smoother than /dev/tty. When Drop asked me to quantify the smoothness, I told them to start from 15% smoother than /dev/tty and if not enough we’d go further. In my experience 15% for a Chinese factory means anywhere between 0 and 200%. So let’s be cautions here.
After months (a lot of them) I got a first prototype. The surface was still a little rough, so I asked to go smoother and… “no, can’t do”. They basically already had all the tooling done, the surface can’t be made smoother. Prototypes my ass.
ANYHOO! Does that mean they are bad? Heck no! The surface texture is really good. The sides are rather smooth, a little satin; the top is just lightly textured. They are nothing like Signature Plastics DSA, they are very close to Topre keycaps with probably smother side.
They are incredibly nice to type on, if you wanted absolute smoothness they are not for you, but if you settle for nicely calibrated and insanely pleasing, you won’t be disappointed.

This is a tough one. Every single color was a subject for dispute and frustration.
Apparently they don’t use the final resins when producing prototypes, so you will never actually know how a color will look like at the end. I don’t know if Drop is not able to have the factory understand, or if they are just incompetent or if they do it on purpose because they like to make me feel miserable… anyway the end result doesn’t change. Every color needs to go through half a dozen reiterations.
The latest “funny story about colors” is when I asked to make the dark gray a little darker to enhance contrast. They ended up doing both grays darker so we had the same contrast as before. Don’t get me wrong, in production it is very common to have to go through these kind of misunderstandings, it’s just frustrating when they are so systematic you can predict them.

Finding the right yellow for the main legends was also “fun”. We starter from some pantone but the color never seemed right. Part of it maybe was because they used a different plastic each time, or the prototyping resin was not very pigmented. At the end we were able to lighten up a pantone color and the result pleases me much :)

Legends are generally sharp and readable. All red legends still need some work, though but all in all we are pretty close.
The thing that bothers me most is thickness inconsistency especially in complicated letters like “N”. They are working on it, I feel it’s just a matter of calibrating plastic injection pressure, but they are aware of the issue and we are waiting for a last round of prototypes that should fix just about that.
What next?
Glad you asked. I’m said we can expect one last prototype before the end of January. I feel that it will be the last chance we have to fix the issues before production… well, unless something terribly wrong happens.
As you are well aware February is a no-no month in China, the new year celebrations go well over the official one week, so that brings us to March-April as a release date. Don’t hold me on that, I will deny if asked!
Next update should be in 2-3 weeks and I hope I’ll finally be able to show you a full set on a keyboard. It’s easy to lose track of the whole when you deal with the minutiae every day. The set looks gorgeous already and it will be the foundation for more amazing sets in the future… so one more time I’m asking you to hold tight, we are almost there.
Thanks for the update matt3o! I’m really glad that Drop is sending you prototypes and get your feedback.
Do you think a R2 will be happen? I assume Drop will want to use the moulds and tooling they spend all this time and money on ^-^
And follow up question was an international kit ever on the table? I get that new moulds and tooling would be required…
there will be multiple rounds for sure (other colorways too). Drop needs to return the investment done, which is massive. Additional molds will be done in the future. Just not for a while.
I beg for R5-row molds and arrows with texts UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT. :)
PBT double-shot shine through please! I picked up the /dev/tty for now but honestly I’m angsting for a high-contrast dark set that support lights.
You do great work and your perfectionist mentality is not lost on me – fully support the pursuit of excellence!
Dude I love your updates. Thank you, I really appreciate them.
Do you have any ideas you want to share about possible future colorways or is too early for something like that?
it’s a bit early to tell, but I’m sure the most successful group buys Drop made in SA will be repeated in MT3
Yeah, they’ve been dropping hints like crazy Dasher & Dancer is coming in MT3.
Thanks for the update! Hopefully the frustrating aspects will be over soon and we as a community will have double shot MT3 !
I’d have liked smoother texture, but it is what it is, and DSA is not bad at all if it’s comparable to that. A slightly shiny look is nice for spherical top caps , IMHO.
Good to hear that new colorways will be available, I thought I had a seen an IC on GHrecently. I myself would love to do a colorway in this profile!
It’s great that even in the face of these setbacks and delays, you have persevered for a better product. I don’t know if you have pressure from massdrop to “approve” the samples sooner than you are satisfied with it, but it’s commendable that you are looking out for all of us to bring out better stuff.
Thanks! And happy new year !
no I’m not pressured to “approve”, at one point they simply don’t ask me anymore and just proceed to production :) That happened in the past once, but so far we are still in a good spot with susuwatari.
Just one thing, they are smoother than DSA.
DSA has the roughest key surface of any keycap profile though. So I’m not sure what people’s think about when they think about smooth keycaps anymore…
SA Retro new round when?
why not? :)
Thank you for the updated timeline and persevering with it all!
Are you still planning on another round of /dev/tty this month or next?
we are working on /dev/tty2 right now, it should be up and running shortly.
Excellent! Thank you for letting me know.
Ahhh I was too late and ordered the /dev/tty originals pretty recently :-(
by another round do you mean that new colorway will come up? I need to know this since I would like to know if it’s possible to customize a set of modifiers.
same color way
Thank you for the update! Sounds like the most frustrating process to go through. Can’t wait though,
I have a WT60-D with Box Navies thick clicks in a Klippe with Susuwatari’s name on it :)
will they be send directly from China or proxied through USA?
don’t think so
Since these are still in preproduction, is it possible to get on the list to buy a set?
thanks for the update! Is it looking like there are going to be enough left over for someone who didn’t realize they were going to buy an ergodox to still buy an ergodox mod set later? :p
hard to say at this stage, sorry
I love the level of commitment you have… I think many would have thrown their hands up in disgust by now and walked away.
So excited for these… Thank you for laying the ground work for the future of the best profile ever in even more colorways.
Stay sane!
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