This is the post you didn’t want to read and the one they didn’t want me to write, but I owe you an update on the WhiteFox next drop, so here it comes. I won’t be able to tell you 100% what is going on, but please try to read between the lines.
Every marriage has its ups and downs and the WhiteFox is a menage a trois: Massdrop, Input Club, myself.
Massdrop is a huge platform. They are great people willing to release great products. They are probably doing more than any other company in this market and they are putting hard cash on the table, in advance, no question asked. Still, they are bullies.
Input Club is a small reality made by enthusiasts with a great vision. They don’t do it for the money or for the glory, they work on custom keyboards because they love them. They also believe in freedom of information, they release every of their creations under a very permissive open source license and in that we are kindred spirits. There’s something that I can totally relate to: you can’t ask an enthusiast to give up his/her work.
And then there’s Matt3o, your friendly neighbor. At this stage I’m mostly a spectator in this comedy. I created something that totally slipped out of my control and despite I imagined, named, designed the WhiteFox I have absolutely no saying in its future.
But you know what? I don’t care!
As long as we can keep improving it and releasing more of it, I don’t care who owns what. I don’t care if my name is before or after the others. I honestly don’t even care about the money, I just expect to be given what is fair so I can keep doing more things. Because it’s all about making more amazing stuff.
As of now we are in a sort of limbo waiting for people (all parties) to come to their senses and I’m a spectator as much as you all, guys.
So, when are we expected to see more WF?
I’m sure there will be more WhiteFox in our lives, I just don’t know when. The options are as follow: 1) the marriage is salvaged and we can probably have a new drop by the end of June; 2) we can’t keep working with Massdrop and we’ll try to manufacture the WhiteFox by some other means (kickstarter?!) pushing the next drop to the end of the year.
So from your point of view little changes. From my stand point, well, since all I want is to just make things, I will consider alternative ways for releasing new products in the future.

Thanks for staying with me this far, stay tuned for more updates.
Well I am glad that you are persevering Matt3o! While I only made it into the mechanical keyboard world your keyboard is something I am seeking so I hope it is released. Best wishes to the future of the Whitefow and Nightfox!
I hope all goes well for you in the future, Matt3o!
Regarding that NightFox, is that some kind of black paint or power coat on top of aluminum? If so, how is the durability of it (i.e. does it scratch easily, revealing bare aluminum underneath)?
Looks anodized dark grey or black to me.
dark gray anodized aluminum. very durable.
Im obsessed with the night fox now as I’m sure you could guess from my name haha. I look forward to a chance to get the night fox and white fox in the future(missed the last drop due to my dog needing surgery, HE MADE IT!) Love your work (its what got me into the custom keyboard community) and I hope everything works out for you. I and many others are behind you all the way. Its a shame that massdrop would drop the ball on something like this, sounds like they are being greedy and leaving money on the table.(pun intended… sry…) Massdrop has a pretty good thing going they should be careful not to mess it up.
Best wishes!
Matt3o, I love all the hard work you have put into your creations. You are an inspiration to us creative minds. I’ve been trying so hard to get my hands on an Aria WF for my beautiful girlfriend and haven’t been able to, just to emphasize the rarity of these wonderful boards. I want you to know we all support you no matter what happens, and would much rather see you take control of your own board than a sleezy pack like Massdrop. Wishing you the best! – Koob
Thanks Koob, really appreciated!
Thanks for these information :-)
Best wishes to you
It would be great to launch “DarkFox” with /dev/tty MT3 Black on Black set.
This!!! this would be so cool!
A good idea, though didn’t Massdrop take ownership of the MT3 molds? Hopefully they can resolve the issue.
If not, we can seek solace in knowing there will be more Whitefox and even Nightfox eventually, and Matt3o has much more cool ‘stuff’ to give to the world regardless, even if it may be a tad harder to get his ideas out there.
I’m interested in your product, but I have been burned by too many dodgy creators on Kickstarter. Go via Keyclack or some other community site if your relationship with Massdrop doesn’t go through. Jchan is a standup guy and a great member of the community.
I signed up to get notified about the WF on Will I get a notification from that no matter where the group buy happens or can I sign up somewhere else?
I would join any buy anywhere to get a DarkFox with ISO layout! =D
Matt3o I will support you all the way! Your designs are exceptional and I hope one day I can own one of these boards. Best wishes from my end, and keep us updated!
Thank you for writing what you are not supposed to do. I really hope you will be able to get what is fair so you can stay creative. Your values are truly admirable and rare!
One question: What is the best way to get notified on future keyboards?
thanks Malthe! Follow this very same site. I believe it’s your best bet to stay up to date. I’ll see if I can set up a mailing list in the coming days.
I’d really like a mailing list too! If possible of course :)
I’d love a mailing list as well so I can get notified the second WhiteFox is available again!
Like most people here, I’ve been in love with the WF since I saw it and was heartbroken when I couldn’t get my hands on it. Hearing the reasons why from you, regardless of the circumstances, is a massive relief!
I’ll keep waiting for the WF, and I’ll probably end up with a NightFox if/when that happens. I think what you’ve designed is fantastic and I’m looking forward to trying to get my hands on the /dev/tty set in the future too!
Keep it up, you did the right thing.
I’m almost literally kicking myself for not joining the last drop, i saw, i could have, but i thought i could wait. (I had other expenses at the time). The WF is my ideal board, and darn it all i will continue to wait. The design of the WF has me hooked and i wanna show Matt3o my support. I’ll standby and join the next drop/group buy/kickstarter or whatever official means of grabbing one there will be.
The Truefox is what I’ve been wanting for at least a decade, so … however that can happen, I’m interested. A mailing list would be awesome, to make sure I don’t miss it.
I’m sorry to read you’re having trouble with releasing the Whitefox, I’ve been waiting for what seems like ages!
Are they forcing a delay over the K-Type drop? I’d happily wait if it’ll be available after that.
Well, whatever you decide to do , i will back you up no matter what. Start kickstarter and i’m pretty sure the 12k and plus people who requested it via MD will back you up as well.
Hey Matt3o,
Thanks for the update.
I honestly didn’t know about you/Whitefox till early 2017, then I got hooked by your keyboard layout design.
I don’t know what happened exactly with Massdrop but you have my support as well!
I hope to get my hands on your keyboard soon!
Hey Matt3o, I’d wait for a kickstarter if you have to. Wouldn’t want you to compromise your ethics or your keyboard because of Massdrop’s market power. A honest and fair board made by your design is worth more to me than supporting Massdrop’s bullying of the community.
-longtime lurker
Sorry to hear about all the trouble! Hopefully you can figure out a way to continue this the way you want! I would totally be in for a kickstarter as long as you are the one who is running it.
I am typing this on my Prima WhiteFox and have been wishing for a BlackFox/NightFox since I first saw this board!
Do you think you will update it to use USB-C? What about seeing if input club can work with you to get the hot-swapable switches? I think that would honestly perfect this board, and I dont see a reason why i would ever need another!
PS: that black cable looks awesome and I will be needing to purchase and extra one to use with my original whitefox, or ill buy a silver and black and just have 3 boards!
thanks for enthusiasm Kyle :) We are exploring various options to upgrade the WhiteFox. USB-C will happen but I don’t feel it’s a priority at this stage. For now we are still trying to find a way to release it.
Glad to hear and that is totally understandable! I will be supporting the next drop/kickstarter (hopefully with the nightfox!) regardless of where it ends up!
+1 interest in USB-C sooner, rather than later!
Hey Matt3o,
I’m sorry to hear about your troubles. I hope the Whitefox/Nightfox and you as its creator get the recognition you deserve.
Last year I first saw the Whitefox and immediately fell in love with it. Unfortunately I was already to late to join the drop. I recently joined the drop for the K-type and it will be my first mechanical keyboard. But I must be honest, I feel it may not have the charm the Whitefox has.
I’m only one of the people who requested another Whitefox drop, but I really hope it becomes a reality in the near future.
Good luck!
Hi Matt3o,
Appreciate the candid update! =)
Sorry to hear about the relationship woes =( – hopefully all the parties involved can find a mutually beneficial way out for all.
I for one would love a NightFox – and am happy to support you on Kickstarter.
I have had bad experiences with Kickstarter – but in this case, we’re dealing with a known quantity who I trust, so happy to put my money down.
Also – hint hint – any word on that new Bluetooth keyboard project of yours? =)
A wireless whitefox is my top priority!
That is awesome to hear!
Put me down for two when it ships (or gets announced).
I’ve been following along for a while now hoping for the next drop, a wireless would just be the icing on the cake!
That sounds like a perfect travel board to me! Is there a super rough ETA set?
I’d also like to add that contrary to others I’m not a huge fan of Massdrop and if you decide to take your designs elsewhere I am 100% for it and will follow along.
matt3o, count me in. I’ll follow wherever is the best place for you to sell.
wish all the things goes well and as your hope!
Please create a mailing list! I’d love to be among the first to know of when the blackfox is available!
any update?
really soon, I promise :)
You tease
Stay strong, and keep us consumers and lovers of great keyboards in mind! Whatever route you take please ensure the production quality is top notch, you only have to scroll through the Massdrop White Fox drop discussion to find tons of production issues from the board to the key caps. It is very disappointing after spending that kind of money, expecting a product that looks as good as the photographs. I look forward to seeing a Black WhiteFox (aka NightFox) produced.
Sorry to hear of the issues going on. Have to say that I’m a little disappointed in the decisions that MD has been making lately. Running so many things back to back to back really seems to be a terrible idea. Most of us only have so many funds that it’s really difficult to pick up all of the projects that I’ve been anticipating for awhile. Also thinking August – December is going to be kind of bare.
Hopefully they get their act tougher and everything works out because despite all of their faults they do being a very important piece and that is bodies. None of the smaller vendors gets the kind of exposure MD brings and the sales figures back that up.
Do you have an estimate of what this round might cost?
I would sure like to see a different company make the parts. The quality of the parts MD sources are poor. Well, the screws and feet seem good.
+1 for higher quality parts and assembly. The soldering job on mine was horrible and I’ve seen other horrible examples
Every time I get a bad sample or spot some manufacturing issues I send a report to MD that should take care of it. This happens many times during the prototyping and pre-production phases. Once the product is green lighted I’m pretty much left out of the loop. I want that to change and I’m working on it.
matt3o – It makes me very happy to hear that is something you are going to change! It was such a disappointment to spend good money, expecting something flawless like the promo photographs and receiving something that looked like it was soldered by someone that has never soldered before in their life. The board was filthy!
would you mind sending me a picture?
Absolutely! I sent the photographs to your email.
Are you able to say whether or not things moving ahead with massdrop? Will we be getting a drop this month?
I wait with bated breath for your next keyboard mate. Whatever it is, it’s going to be fantastic.
With regards to the WhiteFox, is there a reason why the 2 middle/bottom screws aren’t the same distance away from the edge as the 2 middle/top screws? It triggers my OCD! haha ;)
yeah it’s something that I always wanted to fix, but we would have to make the case few millimeters bigger just for that so I guess I’ll have to live with it
Thanks mate, that makes sense. It’s not noticeable from the typing position anyway.
Keep doing what you do, your work is amazing and I look forward to the NextFox :)
I just started with mechs. Lurking since 2-3 months on reddit and deskthority, but I want your keeb to be my first :))
Are you planning to have a EU proxy?
unfortunately we are not big enough for international proxies, but we will be shipping all around the world.
Thank you for the info, mate. I’ll be on the lookout to catch a NightFox :)
I appreciate the updates and I am so stinkin’ excited. I’m an industrial designer by day so feel free to reach out if you need any help.
I just joined the Kickstarter – please give use a high quality product. I’d rather wait an extra few months and get something that lives up to the hype.
that’s totally my intention!
Hey Matteo, congratulations on reaching your Kickstarter goal in less than 2 days!
What a fantastic result :)
Onwards and upwards!
I don’t understand kickstarter that well, but I see on the website that you have made available the Nightfox , how much does it cost?
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